Stats and Skills

What are stats on adornment?

Stats are major factors that defines the contribution to an outfit style of an adornment. Currently there are 10 outfit styles that an adornment can carry, they are

  • Gorgeous

  • Simple

  • Elegant

  • Lively

  • Mature

  • Cute

  • Sexy

  • Pure

  • Warm

  • Cool

Those outfit style stats play a base part of a stage battle and superior stats on adornments turn balance of competition to player's side.

How stats are decided?

Stats are randomly decided in process of adronment recreation, refer to Recreation for more details

What are skills in stage battle?

In gaming experience of Adora metaverse, skills are one of the most important parts if a player is aiming for top tier of competitive gaming. Skills usually enhance player's score or create disadvantages to opposing player in stage battle.

Example of skills

NameSkill Effect

How skills are decided?

Skills can be activated through stacking up skill points which are genetically inherited from material adornments during Recreation process. An example of skill activation,

Skill NameSkill Points




With above skill points on adornments, SKILL level 1 is activated and can be deployed in stage battle. For every 10 skill points, level of SKILL is increased by 1.

Last updated