Collecting and $THD

Like real-world fashion items, they can be used to inspire others to create new pieces, Recreation in-game. To avoid hyperinflation of Adornment, there is a maximum amount of times an Adornment can be used in Recreation before all of its potentials are explored.

Providing Adornment in Recreation costs Stitch - $STI and some Thread - $THD depending on how many times the Adornment have been used in Recreation. The Stitch - $STI portion is variable and subject to adjustment based on a myriad of economic factors.

Used in recreationCost

Thread - $THD can be earned by playing the game in PvE Story mode as well as the PvP Stage Battle. Once you earn them, you can sync them to your wallet from SYNC_PAGE_URL


As part of mechanism in Recreation, stats and skills are genetically decided as result. For more details, refer to Recreation

How Long Does it take for Recreation

Recreation take 5 days to complete.

After 5 days, a new Adornment will be delivered to you.

Last updated