
What is adornment recreation?

Recreation is a process of minting new Adornmant NFT. During recreation, skills and stats are genetically inherited from Adornmant provided in recreation, much like how it works for

How to recreate adornment?

There are 2 methods that stylists can choose in recreation

  • Adornment + Adornment, with this combination, recreation result is genetically decied by those 2 Adornments provided, but blueprint is randomly draw from preset of blueprints pool

  • Adornment + Adornment + Adornment, with additional 3rd Adornment provided in recreation, resulting blueprint is locked to the blueprint of 3rd Adornment, the rest works the same as if stylist provides 2 Adornments.

How Long Does it take

It takes 5 days to complete.

After 5 days, a new Adornment will be delivered to you.

Last updated